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Week 13: Second Exam and Team Conferences

By now you should have received feedback from me on your Final Project Proposal draft. (If you haven’t, please let me know!) The final version of your proposal is due next Thursday, November 20th, at the beginning of class. Please refer to the assignment sheet for submission instructions.

On Tuesday, we will have our second (and last) exam of the semester. This exam will be quite different from our first exam; it will focus on usability and design, and it will be “open book.” To prepare for the exam, please review the resources listed under Tuesday’s date on the course calendar. If you finish the exam early, you’ll have the rest of the class period to work with your final project team.

On either Wednesday or Thursday, I would like to meet with each team for approximately 30 minutes. We will review your design prototypes (remember to have more than one design option ready to show your client) and talk about information architecture, working with your client, and what your team needs to do next. I am available to meet with teams on Wednesday from 2-4 p.m. and on Thursday from 1-5 p.m. Please confer with the members of your team and email me with a proposed meeting time.

Because I’ll be holding conferences during our class period on Thursday, you’ll be able to hold a team work session in the lab. I won’t be there to monitor your work session, but I strongly encourage you to take advantage of this time to develop your final project site.

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