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English 313 Header Image

Week 12: YouTube and Twitter — You Call This Writing?

I apologize for the late update this week. I’ve been busy planning and running a conference that our department hosted on Friday and Saturday, and I’m just now (late Sunday night) catching up on the long list of things I should have been doing over the past few days.

Because of my tardiness, I have decided to postpone our exam from this Tuesday to next Tuesday (November 18), which will give you more time to prepare for the exam and more time to work on your final project proposals this week. Drafts of your proposals are due on Thursday — each team needs to bring a printed copy of your proposal for Quinn (I’ll read through them and give you feedback over the weekend) and an electronic copy of your proposal for workshopping in class.

Aside from work on your final projects, I’d like to spend this week exploring some new directions that “writing” on the web has been taking in the past few years. (Notice the quotation marks around “writing” in that last sentence.) On Tuesday we’ll spend some time immersed in the culture of YouTube, and on Thursday we’ll look at Twitter and the phenomenon of microblogging. You don’t need to do anything in preparation for Tuesday’s class, but there are three articles linked on the calendar for Thursday’s class — please read these and be ready to discuss them in class. Oh, and if you don’t have a Twitter account already, you might want to sign up for one before Thursday.

If your final project team runs into any problems working with your client or creating your proposal, please come see me during office hours — I’m happy to help you work through these issues.

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